Summer Programs

Our goal is for students to explore different cultures, reflect on their own cultural practices and perspectives, and acquire tools to continue expanding their understanding of the world. 


cross culture workshop virtual Chinese youth new generation

We offer both in-person and virtual programs. The location is in the below marked area. 

The virtual gathering is for ages 13 and above to participate in a workshop series featuring speakers, facilitated discussion, and presentation opportunities.

美西晚间的”新世代跨文化座谈” 开放给全球不同地区的青年与青少年,一连五天网上系列座谈,座谈之后有分组讨论与学员报告。

The AM program is a project-based camp where students can have fun creating performances on cross-cultural experience while honing their skills in public speaking, peer collaboration, and bilingualism.
上午 “双语演与说” 为活泼有趣的项目式学习,学员以短剧短讲呈现他们的跨文化经验,训练口条、与人合作。

The PM program offers a hands-on, interactive, and creative sphere for students to explore God’s Creation in Chinese, develop practical learning skills (Pictograph recognition, Pinyin typing), and immerse in games, poetry, and crafts.
下午 “天父爱的花园” ,一同认识神的创造,寓教于乐,体验手作,发挥创意,练习认字与拼音打字的实用技能,肯定是难忘而且会不断回味的中文课程。

summer camp Chinese crafts fun creativity drama youth speech cross culture children

Please visit

to learn more about our summer theatre camps from past years.


2018 Taiwan 英語戲劇營 English “Seekers of Four Seasons 四季探尋”

2017 CA 中文戲劇營 Chinese “四季秘方 Four Season Remedy”

2017 Drama Camp, CA 戲劇欣賞/劇本創作

2016 劇本研習

2015 Taiwan 英 English ​”回家的路 The Way Home”

2015 Youth Drama Club

2014 Taiwan 英語戲劇營 English “旅程 The Journey”

2013 CA 中文戲劇營 Chinese “克思的旅程 Chris’ Journey”